Here you’ll find the best Rome wedding photographer. Emiliano Russo is a luxury wedding Photographer in Rome who can frame big day!

Romance, Elegance, History: if you look for this perfect combination for your Wedding, you’ll find it in Rome.
Rome is not only a must see for tourists, but it’s also one of the most romantic and charming places in Italy, for tying the knot in style. An experience in Rome with a Rome Wedding Photographer is something gorgeous, you cannot miss.

An experience with a Rome Wedding Photographer
What you can get from a reliable and professional EXPERTISE in ITALY
For a Photographer in Rome there are several spots, which are amazing for realizing wedding pictures and sometimes it’s even difficult to choose.
For a Photographer in Rome there are several spots, which are amazing for realizing wedding pictures and sometimes it’s even difficult to choose.

But don’t worry, we have you covered! Here some venues that a destination wedding photographer likes the most: Saint Peter’s Basilica and Cupola: if you are looking for a breath- taking view of Rome, you are in the right place!
Pls. make sure that you organize this visit on time, as your Wedding Photographer will recommend you go for the shooting in the early morning or just before sunset, when the light is the best!
Trevi Fountain: An iconic fountain for Rome, well renowned also for the memorable scene of La Doce Vita. Your local Wedding Photographer will help you choosing the best moment to go, as these wonderful places of Rome are always very crowded. Spanish Steps: They connect Piazza di Spagna with the upper piazza Trinita dei Monti. They are one of nicest places and view of the Eternal City.

Their design is unique and they are an ideal spot for wedding pictures. Piazza Navona: is often the favourite one for a Destination Wedding Photographer Italy. Rome is spectacular! If you have decided to marry in Rome, you experience will be absolutely fantastic! Having the support of a local Photographer is fundamental and your Wedding pictures in Rome will be a great proof of this!
You have probably chosen Italy as Wedding Destination for its beauty, its romance and its great history. But you will be surprised, how gentle and happy and smiling Italians are. Every part of Italy is unique: the North and the South in Italy have their special features and traditions. If you are going to get merry in Rome for example, you will soon notice, that it is an extraordinary city, completely different from other cities in Italy and from other European capital cities. Rome is majestic; and every piece of Rome is like a piece of a museum. You will find the same in Tuscany in a different way. Everywhere you go, you feel the Dolce Vita, the dream, the romance. You can discover this and much more with your Wedding Photographer Rome.

We love framing atmospheres as rome wedding photographer
For a Wedding in an extraordinary city like Rome, you need an extraordinary Wedding Photographer. Only a Wedding Photographer Rome is able to depict the buzzing atmosphere of the capital city. Imagine you and your bride zipping through the streets in a vintage Fiat or vespa, surrounded by friendly locals; imagine your Wedding pictures at Colosseo or with the Terme di Diocleziano being the background.
Get the best from your Rome wedding photographer
If you want the true essence of Rome to be present in your pictures, ask a Photographer in Rome and you won’t be disappointed.
There are very good and reliable italian wedding photographers in this city and they have all the necessary experience to work under pressure, to be creative and to assure you the best results for your Big Day.
There are very good and reliable italian wedding photographers in this city and they have all the necessary experience to work under pressure, to be creative and to assure you the best results for your Big Day.
The options for setting up a great Wedding in Rome are endless: you can choose the top luxury hotels or the most intimate venue. Everything is possible in Rome. Don’t be shy and ask your Wedding Photographer to help you with his advice. Your Wedding will even exceed your best expectations.
There are thousands of reasons, why Rome is fantastic. In fact, it is a cosmopolitan city, but at the same time, it’s plenty of incredible ruins and traces of ancient history.
Chose the best location in Rome with your photographer
It’s so beautiful, that it is the perfect background for Weddings and for Wedding pictures. If you want to get the most out of your Wedding in Rome make sure you contact a Wedding Photographer Rome Italy and you won’t regret your choice! When you book your Rome Wedding Photographer, consider that it’s a good idea planning extra shootings, that will be amazing memories of your experience in Rome, such could be a wedding in Amalfi Coast or Ravello. We suggest it, because we know that celebrating the Big Day abroad and especially in Rome is an overall exciting experience and it’s important to enjoy it completely.

Photographers in Rome Italy: great city, great service!
Here some tips, of what you can set up together with your Wedding Photographer Rome Italy:to organize a shooting in Campo de’ Fiori, while having an extraordinary Italian breakfast or while sampling some olive oils and balsamic vinegars at the market in this amazing areagoing to Gianicolo for some pictures of both of you with the breath-taking view of Rome as gorgeous backgroundhaving a wonderful shooting in Villa Borghese, where you can also make a visit to Galleria Borghese to see artworks by Caravaggio, Bernini and Tiziano.

A Destination Wedding Photographer Italy is used to help clients find the best spots for these pictures, that will be a great completion of your Wedding pictures.
Even the day of the Wedding, you can ask your Wedding Photographer Rome Italy to make some extra pictures of an intimate breakfast with your family or of the moments of relax after the big party, when the Big Day will be over. Don’t be shy and ask your Rome Photographer about further ideas. It’s a great opportunity you don’t have to miss.
From the moment you announce your Wedding, the pressure on you will be huge.
And if you are planning an elopement in Italy, far from your country and your habits, cultural differences could even affect some steps of the planning stages. It is fundamental, therefore, to choose the right vendors.

And especially, when it comes to the Wedding Photography, make sure to make the best choice. If you are saying “I do” in Rome, the Photographers in Rome Italy are the ideal Professionals for you.
Photographers in Rome Italy: the importance of local Photographers
Why is it so important to choose local vendors and especially local Wedding Photographers, such Photographers in Rome Italy? Here some main reasons:
1) They can suggest you the best spots for gorgeous Wedding shooting
2) Rome is a very crowded city and the most beautiful places could be not easy accessible for your Wedding Pictures. A Wedding Photographer Rome knows how to behave in these situations and what to suggest
3) Local Photographers can get the best prices and deals, when you negotiate for the Wedding location and other services
4) They know not only the city, but also the temper and the character of the inhabitants and this may help a lot to avoid unpleasant situations
A dream comes true with a Photographer in Rome
The Photographers in Rome and also in Florence have the chance to see hundreds of couples passing by and to attend a huge amount of Weddings. So, if you are looking for a Destination Wedding Photographer Italy, now you know where to look.
Rome is the Eternal city: everything happening here is magic and so your wedding will do! Having a Photographer Rome will grant you to come back home with the best memories and the best possible Wedding pictures.

Rome, the Eternal City and the capital of Italy, is spectacular and amazing for every kind of visit: for pure tourism, for the honeymoon, for celebrating an event, for tying the knot. In fact, it’s plenty of places to see and it’s at same time romantic, elegant and full of history. If you don’t want to lose the memories of all the amazing experiences you can live in Rome, why don’t you contact a Photographer in Rome?
Not just in Capri only, What you can experience in Rome is endless. It will be difficult for you to choose just some things, among all the options available.

Here some ideas, that you can share with your Rome Wedding Photographer, in order to set up extraordinary photo shootings. A romantic walk in the Giardino degli Aranci. The best word to describe the atmosphere of this place is: Romance. This garden lies behind the Basilica of Santa Sabina and it’s an incredible spot to visit at the sunset.
Cruise on the Tevere: Ask your Photographer in Rome to come with you during this incredible cruise. From the river you will have the opportunity to look at the best attractions of Rome. Can you imagine the beauty of these pictures? Castel Sant’angelo: for people, who like history, but not only.
A magic place, where you will have the sensation to dream with eyes wide open. Villa Borghese: if you are in the Capital city, no matter the reason, you have to go to this Villa and stroll along its garden, with your Photographer in Rome. This is the third largest public park in Rome, spanning over an area of 80 hectares.